Become a
Avail 50% discounts on routine tests and your most frequent tests.
Explore plans - Plans starting Rs 75/month
Benefits & Inclusions
Two Comprehensive Full Body Checkups for Gold & Platinum members.
Comprehensive FBC List of tests included -
Upto 50% Discounts on Routine tests* with one free test of your choice
50% discount on ECG tests
Free Home visits upto 10 kms
Upto 20% discounts on Special tests*
50% discount on all Health packages for Gold & Platinum members
* Terms and conditions apply

Kayros We-Care Plan
Duration 6 months - Rs 450/-
Includes one free CBC and one F/PP
Two Free home visits, third visit onwards Rs.100/- visiting charges
20% discount on routine tests & 10% discount on Special tests
10% discount on health packages
Kayros Annual Membership plan
Duration 12 months - Rs 999/-
Free Basic Full Body Checkup once a year
Up to 20% Discounts on Routine tests* & 10% discount on Special tests
ECG tests available twice in a year
Four Free home visits upto 10 kms, fifth visit 100 visiting charges
20% discount on all Health packages
* Terms and conditions apply

Kayros Gold
Annual Membership plan
Duration 12 months - Rs 5999/-
(Age>18 years)
One Free Comprehensive Full Body Check-up per member
Upto 50% Discounts on Routine tests* with four free routine tests of your choice once a year
ECG tests available twice in a year
Free Home visits
Upto 10% discounts on Special tests*
30% discount on all Health packages
* Terms and conditions apply
Kayros We-Care Plan
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Kayros Annual Membership plan
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Kayros Gold Annual Membership plan
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Kayros Platinum Annual Membership plan
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Kayros Platinum
Annual Membership plan
Duration 12 months - Rs 14999/-
Platinum membership can be availed by individuals or group of members of the same family. Maximum 4 members allowed per membership (Can include two adults>18 years and/or two senior citizens >60 years, or Two adults >18 years and two children >12 years)
Free Comprehensive Full Body Checkups per individual with Gold & Platinum membership once a year
Upto 50% Discounts on Routine tests* with 4 free tests of your choice once a year
ECG tests available twice in a year
Free Home visits upto 10 KM
Upto 10% discounts on Special tests*
30% discount on all Health packages for Gold & Platinum members
* Terms and conditions apply